Remove - Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) from Blogger

Remove Subscribe to: Posts (Atom) from Blogger
This Post is about how to remove Subscribe to: Post(Atom) links. You must have seen that this "Subscribe to: Posts(Atom)" at the bottom of your Blogger Blog. This links added every Blogger blog. Basically "Subscribe to: Post(Atom)" for your blog visitors to Subscribe atoms feeds. Mostly people's dislike subscribe (Atom) and want to remove this links for blogger.
Do you interested to remove these links from your blog?

How to Backup your Blogger Template

This article is for absolute blogger beginners,about how to backup your blogger blog's template.
Every Blogger user should know How to Backup Blogger Template. Because we sometimes try to do some modifications with our template. So it is always safe if we have a backup of our template. If any thing goes wrong while modification, then we can simple backup our template. And in this way our blog design will be safe.

Remove Blogger Attribution Widget

Hello guys today i am going to write here how to delete the attribution text in blogger blogs.
The attribution gadget is a gadget present at footer of blog and says "Powered by Blogger". The gadget is locked, when you click on the edit link of attribution gadget you will notice that there is no "Remove" link,Because the gadget is locked officially by the blogger.
Most of  the blogger dislike it and ask are they allowed to remove this from their template? The answer is yes you are allowed!

Blogger Dashboard Settings

blogger setting
This article gives you a step-by-step guide through Blogger Dashboard Settings. We’ll be talking about the Settings of the new blogger interface and how you can benefit from them. It’s a big tutorial with lots of info!

Lets get started!
First go and sign in your blog. Click the “Settings” link.
Below are some screenshot images that show what sections I’ll be going

Create a New Blogger Blog

This tutorial is about creating a new Blogger Account. If you are a new internet user and want to start you own Blog, then you can create a blog with help of this tutorial. In this tutorial I will be guiding you on every step of creating a new Blogger Account with screen shots. is a platform owned by Google. provides opportunity for every one to create their own blog. For creating a blogger blog, you must have an account with So let’s start by creating a new blogger account.