Twitter Follower Box Widget for Blogger

twitter follower box widget
Every blog owner intends to increase his/her blog's traffic. Social media most popular way to increase blog traffic to share your articles on social media sites like Facebook, Twitter, LinkedIn, Pinterest, Digg, etc.

Today I have come with Twitter Follower Widget box for the blog owner who runs his blog at blogger. This Twitter Followers Box widget also works as a Facebook Like Box.

CSS3 Social widget with hover effect

CSS3 Social widget
Social network also play a major role in your blog/website traffic. You can get huge visitors from social networking site.
Now i am share a cool and nice social network widget. It work with CSS code with mouse hover effect. This widget arranged vertically elegant buttons. This widget also attractive because of highlighted color combination. It's a good impression on visitors. you can easily add this widget to your Blogger blog.

Email Subscribe Box with Social Buttons & Hover Effect

Email Subscription Widget plays a very important role in every blog. Blog visitors can directly activate the subscription e-mail through this RSS feed widget. This widget it helps in increasing the readership of the blog which increases the blog traffic.

Now I am sharing a Email Subscription widget for you. This widget with social sharing buttons and special email subscription box. It also has a mouse hover effect in outline.

Remove Blogger Attribution Widget

Hello guys today i am going to write here how to delete the attribution text in blogger blogs.
The attribution gadget is a gadget present at footer of blog and says "Powered by Blogger". The gadget is locked, when you click on the edit link of attribution gadget you will notice that there is no "Remove" link,Because the gadget is locked officially by the blogger.
Most of  the blogger dislike it and ask are they allowed to remove this from their template? The answer is yes you are allowed!